Seeking “Belt and Road’s” business opportunities, FHKI has organized field trip to Iran (Ta Kung Pao)

Reporter: Lee Wing Tsing

  • Seeking “Belt and Road’s” business opportunities
  • Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) has organized field trip to Iran
  • Iran is expected to be next investment hotspot for Hong Kong businesses

FHKI has organized a mission to Iran for exploring business opportunities and realized that the country is similar to the early stage of reform and opening up of China, all business are needed to re-establish, therefore, there are huge and hidden business opportunities in Iran.

Prof. Ir. Daniel M Cheng, Chairman of FHKI, commented that with the western countries withdrawing their sanctions with Iran, the world is eager to compete for this huge market with 80 million population. Hong Kong businesses should grab this golden opportunity and seize Iran’s market with our advantage, i.e. high quality and reasonable price in electronics, wearing apparel and footwear industry.