Mr. Leung Lai Fung, Joseph 梁礪鋒先生
Mr. Leung Lai Fung has been working in the transport and logistics industry for over 55 years. He dedicated himself to the career starting through working in the wharf and container yards, warehousing, as well as sea and air freight forwarding services. Over the journey of his work, he witnessed the development of Hong Kong’s transport and logistics industry, and eventually setup partnership logistics company, Distribution Services Ltd (DSL).
Mr. Leung joined The Wharf Holdings since 1960’s, and was appointed as the company’s representative to assist American shipping company call “Sealand” to establish the shipping operating system in Hong Kong. With his outstanding performance, Mr. Leung was among the first batch of the freight industry employees who were assigned for overseas training (in Japan and USA) by taking up internship. Upon returning to Hong Kong, Mr. Leung had the opportunity to participate in building the ship’s containerization operation cargo logistics system as well as Hong Kong’s container Terminal 3. It was an honor and an important milestone for his successful career in the freight industry.
Mr. Leung founded DSL in 1978 with partnership and became a key founder of the company. Under his exceptional management skill, DSL’s businesses continued to thrive. They expanded to include sea and air as well as land transportation, and retail stores distribution services, bringing an annual turnover to over 360 million U.S. dollars , sold DSL to Maersk Logistics in 2001.
As a pioneer in Hong Kong’s freight industry, Mr. Leung also actively participates in various trade organizations in Hong Kong, USA and China and serves for community services. Mr. Leung hopes to share his knowledge and experience with the freight industry by enhancing the development of the freight industry in Hong Kong, China, Asian countries and USA.
As Winners of Hong Kong Logistics Awards 2008, Mr. Leung has contributed his efforts and share opinions with the Government of Hong Kong to assist Small, Medium Enterprise (SME).
- Vice Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Transportation & Logistics Services Council (Group 21)
- Vice Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Mainland Affairs Committee
- Committee of Federation of Hong Kong Industries PRD Council
- Road Cargo System User Liaison Group (RULG) – FHKI Representative (2013-2017)
- Hon. Chairman of The Hong Kong Association of International Cooperation of Small & Medium Enterprises
- Hon. Chairman of Hong Kong Small And Medium Enterprise Association
- Member of the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (2014/01/01-2015/12/31)
- HAFFA 2017-2019 Executive Committee Member
- Professional Member of Hong Kong Logistics Association
- Hon. Chairman of Peking University China Study Course Alumni Association
- Vice Chairman of Peking University China Study Course Alumni Association Foundation (2014-2016)
- Peking University Innovation Tutor (2015-2017)
- China Universities Alumni (H.K.) Association – Logistic Committee, Vice Chairman
- Founding members of China Universities Hong Kong Alumni Association Past President
- Director of Shanxi Overseas Friendship Association
- Director of Shandong Overseas Friendship Association
- Director of Shenzhen Overseas Friendship Association
- Life Member of ShunTak Fraternal Association
- Consultant, Trade Promotion of Yangjiang
- Members of China Universities Alumni Association Past President Association
- Twelfth Central Committee / Executive Committee of the Liberty Party
- 2008 Outstanding Achievement Award of Hong Kong Logistics Award
- Committee Director of Taipei International Freight Forwarder Association
- Committee Director of Shenzhen International Freight Forwarding Association
- Member of Steering Committee of Hong Kong Center of Transport & Logistics
- Logistics Committee of Hong Kong Vocational Training Council
梁礪鋒先生在物流運輸業擁有超過55年多的行內經驗,在不同的領域上執行實務包括碼頭及貨櫃場、集裝箱倉儲、海陸空貨運代理等的服務, 從整個工作過程中, 梁先生見證了香港貨運與物流業的成長其後更與合作夥伴創立物流公司-香港聯集貸運有限公司 《Distribution Services Ltd. (DSL) 》 。
梁先生於1960 年代加入九倉,並獲九倉選派為代表,協助著名的美國航運公司「海陸聯運」Sealand 在香港設立航運作業系統。其卓越表現,令他成為香港貨運業第一批前往海外實習僱員,在日本及美國深造。回港後,梁先生更獲機會參與貨櫃場的裝拼系統及建設香港多個貨櫃碼頭,為他日後在貨運業上的成就,奠下重要的里程碑。
梁先生與合夥人於1978年創辦「香港聯集貨運有限公司」「DSL」為董事之一,在梁先生卓越管理下「DSL」業務擴展至海陸空運配送服務,並為該公司每年帶來超過三億六仟萬美元的可觀營業額。公司在2001年後售讓給「馬士基物流」MAERSK Logistics 。
作為香港貨運業的先驅,梁先生積極參與香港, 美國及中國貿易組織及國際地區服務,以其資深的物流經驗為香港、中國、亞洲國家及美國貨運業的發展薄盡綿力,回饋社會。
- 香港工業總會第21 組運輸與物流業協會副主席
- 香港工業總會國內事務委員會副主席
- 香港工業總會珠三角工業協會委員
- 香港海關道路貨物系統聯絡小組—香港工業總會代表 (2013-2017)
- 香港中小企業國際交流協會名譽會長
- 香港中小企協會榮譽會長
- 香港物流發展局委員 (2014/1/1-2015/12/31)
- 香港貨運物流業協會2017-2019 執行委員
- 香港物流協會專業會員
- 北京大學中國研修班同學會名譽會長
- 北京大學學生創新創業導師 (2015-2017)
- 中國高等院校香港校友會聯合會物流委員會副主席
- 中國高等院校香港校友會聯合會歷屆會長聯誼會創會會員
- 陝西省海外聯誼會理事
- 山東省海外聯誼會常務理事
- 深圳海外聯誼會理事
- 順德聯誼總會永遠會員
- 陽江市招商顧問
自由黨第十二屆中央委員/ 常務委員經歷:
- 2008 年度香港物流大獎– 傑出物流成就大獎
- 臺北國際貨運業協會理事
- 深圳國際貨運業聯會理事
- 香港運輸及物流業資源中心指導委員會委員
- 香港職業訓練局物流業委員
More about Mr. Leung
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